

※ 出題は,平成18年7月から平成26年4月定期試験までの問題を調べたものです。「平成/年」を数字で示しております。



Recovery of survivors by assisting vessels

● Seafarers should consider how to recover survivors into their own vessels under vaious environmental conditions.

● Survivors in the water should be lifted in a horizontal or near-horizonatal position if possible (for example, in two strops; one under the arms, the other under the hnees) to minimize the risk of shock induced by sudden transfer from the water and possible hypothermia.

● Assisting vessels should also be prepared to receive survivors from helicopters: see pages 2-50.

● When the risks involved in recovery operations outweigh the risks of leaving the survivors in life saving appliances, consider the following astions:

□ Using the ship to provide a lee for the survivors;

□ Deploying life saving appliances from the assisting vessel;

□ Maintaining visual and communications contact with the survivors;

□ Updating the co-ordinating authority;

□ Transferring essential survival and medical supplies.

