


※ 出題は,平成18年7月から平成26年4月定期試験までの問題を調べたものです。「平成/年」を数字で示しております。



Communications between Ship and Helicopter for Winching Operations

  • It is important that information be exchanged between the vessel and helicopter, and that it is understood.
  • A direct radio link should be established between ship and helicopter.
    This is usually accomplished by having the helicopter equipped with a marine VHF FM radio able to transmit and receive on at least Channel 16 and preferably on two other simplex working frequencies.
  • The exchange of information and instructions about rendezvous positions, etc., may be established though shore-based radio stations.
  • Unless other arrangements have been agreed upon in advance, the ship should monitor VHF Channel 16 for the arrival of the helicopter.
  • When the helicopter is equipped for DF, it can identity the ship and home on it by using the ship’s radio transmission on an agreed frequency.

注)DF:direction finding

