

※ 出題は,平成18年7月から平成26年4月定期試験までの問題を調べたものです。「平成/年」を数字で示しております。



Evidence of Distressed Craft Found

・ In some cases, the search may provide evidence of the distressed craft without survivors being found.

・ A low-lying, half-sunken loaded ship or aircraft may drift more slowly than a floating survival craft, event if a drogue is used.

・ A derelict may drift at a considerable angle off the prevailing wind direction.

・ When wreckage is located it usually consists of debris, possibly with an oil slick.

・ Should this have come from the distressed craft, survival craft will usually be found downwind from the debris.

・ In some cases, however, a ship may have been abandoned some time before sinking, in which case survival craft may be upwind.

・ If it is known, or suspected, that survivors are in the water, the area into which they may have been forced by the buffeting of the seas should also be checked.

