※ 出題は,平成18年7月から平成26年4月定期試験までの問題を調べたものです。「平成/年」を数字で示しております。
The deckhouses used for the accommodation of the crew shall be constructed to an acceptable level of strength.
Guard-rails or bulwarks shall be fitted around all exposed decks. The height of the bulwarks or guard-rails shall be least 1m from the deck, provided that where this height would interfere with the normal operation of the ship, a lesser height may be approved, if the Administration is satisfied that adequate protection is provided.
Deck cargo carried on any ship shall be so stowed that any opening which is in way of the cargo and which gives access to and from the crew’s quarters, the machinery space and all other parts used in the essential operation of the ship can be closed and secured against water ingress. Protection for the crew in the form of guard-rails or lifelines shall be provided above the deck cargo if there is no convenient passage on or below the deck of the ship.